Filter Transformations

See slide.

Other types of filters can be designed by transforming them to low-pass filters, determining their order, and then transforming them back. Pasted image 20230914092435.png

Creating a high-pass filter

We can mirror the filter over the cutoff frequency by dividing the nominated filter by the cutoff frequency itself ($\omega_{s}$). $$H_{hp}(s) = H_{lp}(\bar{s})|_{\bar{s} = \frac{1}{s}}$$ 450

Example of creating of high-pass filter

Denomering $$s \rightarrow \frac{s}{\omega_{a}}$$

Creating a band-pass filter

Lektion 1 - Filterfunktioner.pdf>page=66

A band pass filer is a combination of a high-pass and a low-pass filter. $$H_{bp} = H_{lp} \cdot H_{hp}$$ 350 $\omega_{a}$: Pass-band width $\omega_{s}$: Stop-band width $\omega$: Center-frequency: The middle of the stop-band-frequencies, on a *logarithmic scale*. $A_{s}$: The filter stop-dampening.


NOTE: We use the center-frequency to nominate the filter.

Formfaktor $$W_{a} = \frac{\Delta f_{a}}{f_{c}} \s W_{s} = \frac{\Delta f_{s}}{f_{c}}, \s F = \frac{W_{s}}{W_{a}}$$

The transformation back to band-pass: $$H_{bp}(s) = H_{lp}(\bar{s})|_{\bar{s} = \frac{1}{\omega_{a}}\left(\frac{s+1}{s}\right)}$$

%% TODO: List low-pass TODO: List high-pass TODO: List band-stop %%
