$$ \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}
\newcommand{\dx}{\text{ dx}}
\newcommand{\s}{\ \ \ \ \ \ }
\newcommand{\arrows}{\s \Leftrightarrow \s}
\newcommand{\Arrows}{\s \Longleftrightarrow \s}
\newcommand{\arrow}{\s \Rightarrow \s}
#1 \\
#2 \\
#1 \\
#2 \\
#3 \\
#1 \\
#1 \\
IIR Filters
Infinite Impulse Response Filter. See slides.
“Vi placerer poler"
- Christoffer
Har altid poler.
- Filtrets specifikationer opstilles (see Filters)
- Filtrets z-domæne overføringsfunktion opstilles
- Der vælges optimal realisationsstruktur
- Der fremstilles program til signalprocessor eller tegnes diagram for hardwareløsning
To create an IIR filter, the transfer function must be mapped into the z-domain. There are multiple ways of doing this.
Use capital letters for coefficients in $s$-domain.
Differences in Frequency Response
Differences in Impule Response